江苏流水线,江苏自动化生产线, 江苏输送线 服务江苏,为建设江苏添砖加瓦!
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江苏装配流水线 ,江苏倍速链流水线 ,江苏倍速链装配生产线:三流道倍速链操作说明

分类:企业资讯点击:3989 发布时间:2023-01-31 17:49:32


江苏装配流水线 ,江苏倍速链流水线 ,江苏倍速链装配生产线:三流道倍速链采用增速链或滚子链为输送介质,导轨采用较为先进的铝合金型材(912铝型型材),由主机带动输送链条,再托拖动工装板运行,当线体作自由节拍运行时,工装板由输送链条托拖到达每工位工作位置,再由脚踏开关拉制气动阻挡器,使工装板停在预定工作位置,旋转工装板可作360度或180度旋转。完成工序后,操作人员只要踏脚踏开关,工装板即可进入下一道工序。



(1)  打开江苏倍速链装配生产线:三流道倍速链总开关;

(2)  按控制箱操作面板上的“马达”——“启动”;“照明”—“启动”等。

 三, 江苏装配流水线:三流道倍速链关机操作



1. Assembly line: Operation instructions for three-runner double-speed chain:

Assembly line, double-speed chain assembly line, double-speed chain assembly production line: three-channel double-speed chain adopts speed-increasing chain or roller chain as the conveying medium, and the guide rail adopts more advanced aluminum alloy profiles (912 aluminum profiles), and the conveyor chain is driven by the host. The tooling board is dragged to run. When the line body is running in free rhythm, the tooling board is dragged by the conveyor chain to the working position of each station, and then the pneumatic stopper is pulled by the foot switch to stop the tooling board at the predetermined working position. The rotating tooling board can be rotated 360 degrees or 180 degrees. After the process is completed, the operator only needs to step on the foot switch and the tooling board can enter the next process.

Assembly line: When the three-channel double-speed chain tooling plate reaches the terminal, it can touch the terminal stroke switch, and it can automatically move laterally to the opposite side, continue the unfinished process, and realize the automatic reciprocating cycle of the tooling plate in the circular track, and the three-channel middle channel is used as an empty plate Return, using Omron CPM1A programmable controller to control.

2. Assembly line: start-up operation of three-runner double-speed chain

(1) Turn on the double-speed chain assembly line: the main switch of the three-runner double-speed chain;

(2) Press "Motor"-"Start"; "Illumination"-"Start" on the operation panel of the control box.

 3. Assembly line: shutdown operation of three-channel double-speed chain

Turn off the "motor", adjust the governor to "0", turn off the "lighting" and so on.

Turn off the main switch.

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