江苏流水线,江苏自动化生产线, 江苏输送线 服务江苏,为建设江苏添砖加瓦!
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分类:行业动态点击:3742 发布时间:2023-01-31 17:08:03

江苏流水线,江苏非标流水线:汽车仪表板分装输送装配流水线 :





Assembly line, non-standard assembly line: car dashboard sub-assembly conveying assembly line:

Assembly line, non-standard assembly line: used for instrument panel subassembly and transportation, mainly installed in the central panel, wiring harness assembly, speakers, radios, relays and decorative panels.

Assembly line, non-conveying standard assembly line: the conveying and storage section adopts double-speed chain conveyor. The instrument panel is loaded at the end, and then enters the sub-assembly. When assembling, the instrument panel can be rotated to facilitate installation.

Assembly line, non-standard assembly line: Set up a balance rail in the assembly process section to ensure that the instrument panel does not tilt and shake during assembly. The sub-assembled dashboard is placed on the shelf and transported to the main interior dashboard assembly station through the battery car. The empty pallet descends to the lower level and quickly returns to the beginning of the job through the lower chain.

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